Create Incredible Character Voices Like a Pro
Get the Skills to Improve Your D&D & Tabletop Games or Book Video Game & Animation Voice Acting Jobs
Creating Character Voices is taught by veteran voice actor Joe Zieja, who has had his voice in Transformers, Final Fantasy, Call of Duty, Fire Emblem, Just Cause, Lego, and more - and he is ready to unlock your voice's natural abilities to make AMAZING sounds and characters.
Full Academy: $1997
Creating Character Voices: $97
Enroll Today And Save!

"Landed my first ever video game role!" Matt R.

"Since the start of the course until now I've been cast and recorded lines for a YouTube animation, a comic dub, and two video games!" Raymond J.

"Maybe it’s the Joe course magic, but just got paid for my first voiceover gig!" - Tim M.
What You'll Learn In This Course
Voice Variables
- Adjust the voice you ALREADY HAVE to make new sounds
- Mix and match attributes for an infinite number of unique characters
- Have people saying, "There's no way that's YOUR voice!"

Perspective Makes The Character
- Add depth and emotion to characters for brilliant, evocative PERFORMANCES, not just "funny voices."
- Bring characters to life and make them feel like part of the real world
- Learn the many different ways a character can see the world - and therefore how they interact with the characters around them

Vocal Health and Sustaining the Voice
- Keep it consistent for hours and hours at a time without breaking character
- Forget who you really are - which is scary anyway - because you're too busy pretending to be someone else1
- How to keep your vocal anatomy healthy during straining voices

Whats Included In The Course
Value Packed Video Tutorials
This course includes hours of content focused around adapting your anatomy, keeping yourself healthy, how to listen critically and practice, and more.
Proven Methods
My unique, easy-to-learn method of Voice Variables, Perspective Variables, and tips for stealing like an artist.
Discounts on Other Industry Stuff!
I've partnered with lots of folks in the industry to get you discounts on gear, classes, additional training, and more!
Meet Your Instructor

Hey there! I'm Joe Zieja, and I have the WEIRDEST career story.
I spent most of my adult life as an officer in the United States Air Force. My speciality was military intelligence, and when I left the service in 2012 I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life as a government contractor donig similar things for three-letter agencies that you definitely have heard of and definitely don't want to meet.
After discovering voice acting and booking the first job I auditioned for with no experience, no demos, and no agents, I threw myself into my new career with everything I had. Eight months later, I quit my job to become a full time voice actor, working from the makeshift studio I built in my basement in Washington DC. Using the skills and resources I am going to teach you in this course, I was able to scale to a six-figure business in less than a year, and establish a huge list of clients that kept coming back year after year.
Almost a decade later, I still don't have a day job, and I have worked for Fortune 500 clients of blockbuster franchises like Homegoods, Transformers, CBS, IBM, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, and too many others to count.
All of this with no acting training or experience. I know it sounds insane, but it's true, and I cannot wait to teach you all how I did it!
Who This Course Is For
- Anyone who wants to learn to use their voice to create amazing characters by manipulating their anatomy and learning to change their perspective.
- Voice actors, D&D players, DMs, or anyone who wants to use acting and character creation to improve their confidence speaking and entertaining.
- Literally anyone. Teachers, public speakers - anyone who wants to learn how to have fun with their voice.
Who This Course Is NOT For
- People who hate fun
- People who hate other people who are having fun
Hear From Joe's Academy Students!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a subscription?
Nope! You get LIFETIME ACCESS with ONE payment.
What if I don't have a good voice?
There's no such thing! It's about knowing yourself, and figuring out how to apply universal techniques and skillsets to modify what you already have to make amazing voices.
Is There A Guarantee?
Absolutely. We have a 7 day money back guarantee! If you aren't satisfied for any reason at all you can ask for your money back in full within 7 days of the purchase.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page and discussed in the Joe Zieja Voice Acting Academy program are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE ANY LEARNVOICEACTING.COM COURSE OR ANY JOE ZIEJA VOICE ACTING ACADEMY COURSE.